My DIY Addiction

When Diamond Art Painting becomes an addiction

My DIY Addiction

So for the most part, I learned about my addiction when I bought a diamond art painting. By the time that I was done with the first one, I had bought about 500 of them. Thus started my addiction so will tell you my story.

I was planting my garden and a friend of mine came outside of our apartment building, she was doing a diamond art painting. She told me that she loved it because it gave her peace. At the time my life had no peace, so she suggested that I try it. I bought the first one and worked on it. My little dragon took all of anxiety and I was at peace for the first time in a long time. So I bought about 500 of them in the three months that it took me to do the first one. So will share with you what is going on in my life during the time when I finish new diamond art paintings.

I am not a professional photographer but I did the diamond art painting. This is my first painting and it came out pretty good. So as I travel along hopefully my photography skills will improve. This is my diary about My DIY Addiction.

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